Newest Editions to the Team
By Battalion Chief Chris Plumley
November 20, 2014

Volunteers are hard to come by these days. It is difficult with families, school, extra curricular activities, work, etc... to give up even more time to volunteer in any organization. Here at Kennett Fire Company, we appreciate the time that our members can give to help protect our communities. Jack Melton and Fernando Tapia have accomplished the first great milestone in their firefighting career. These young men joined as Junior firefighters learning the basics in equipment identification and use, assisting roles on the fire ground, and a variety of other tasks to be expected of them. These gentlemen spent the last several months training nights and weekends to become structural firefighters.

Firefighter I is a 172 hour course. The goal of the course is to provide a person with little or no previous fire service training or experience with the basic knowledge and skills required to function safely and effectively as a member of a fire suppression team functioning in today’s environment. Students will also receive training in Haz-Mat Operations, CPR/AED, and Structural Burn. The final test will be for PA State Volunteer certification and National Firefighter I.

Tonight, at Wagontown Fire Company, was the graduation ceremony for the most recent Fire I class. We are very proud to add these two to our highly trained organization, and look forward to watching, and helping them progress in their firefighting career. Congratulations Jack Melton, Fernando Tapia, and all of the other recruits of the Fall 2014 Fire I class.